Here are some music videos I made using the Instagram Stories function and its default collection of animated gifs, some pictures I drew in Windows Paint, and the free Windows 10 video editing software.
I thought I should probably write something to go with them, like how in making these I’m subverting Instagram’s intended purpose; and that it’s DIY and punk; and that I’m pushing a tool to its limits; and that the tool is pretty much free and available to everyone; and that I’m collaborating with others and supporting my community; and that I’m exploring the inherent qualities of the medium; and that the product is a record of its own creation; and that actually I am a serious, fully-aware, boundary-pushing, politically right-on, digital artiste and not just someone mucking around on their phone while Celebrity Treasure Island’s on in the background.
All the songs are great! As are all the musicians! check them out by clicking on their names.
Here are the videos in the backwards order of their making, most recent to least.
You can see a bunch of other music videos not made with this method, in the gallery at the bottom of the home page.